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How to know if a Website is Legit, Fake, or a Scam?

Determine the Authenticity of a Website is to Ascertain whether its Legitimate, Fraudulent, or Scam In today’s digital world, almost everything we do is online, and we frequently come across websites that we are unfamiliar with. While the internet is a wealth of information and tools, it is also a haven…
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Why is Web Application Penetration Testing Crucial for Business?

Web Application Penetration Testing: Strategies, Tools, and Best Practices In recent years, web applications have become essential for businesses worldwide. These applications, which range from e-commerce websites to online banking portals, allow businesses to interact with consumers, handle transactions, and collect valuable data. However, as the number of web apps…
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Role of Website Security Services in Building and Maintaining Customer Trust

Website security is more important than ever today. With the ever-increasing cybercrimes around us, the role of Website Security Services in building & maintaining customer trust has become more critical. The right service can help mitigate a host of website attacks and protect customer data at every level. SQL Injection,…
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HTTPS Vs. SFTP: A Quick Guide to Differentiate Between the Two

HTTPS or SFTP: How often do you find yourself wondering which protocol is the best choice? Both multiple computers widely use them for transferring data and files. HTTPS provides users with protection from cyber-attacks and data theft, while SFTP encrypts file transfers over a network to ensure secure data transfer.…