How to Install Wildcard SSL Certificate on Ubuntu 22 Apache Server?

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Install Wildcard SSL on Ubuntu 22 Apache


With the tremendous advancement in technology especially in internet use where the security of applications is paramount, you find your web applications and services need to be protected through SSL/TLS encryption. They are convenient and inexpensive for use for different subdomains that are in one domain in terms of security.

For instance, if you are a host of an Apache HTTP server on Ubuntu 22, installation of a wildcard SSL will simplify your system’s SSL/TLS arrangements as well as offer all-around security against all your subdomains.

The following steps will guide a system admin in performing a wildcard SSL installation on an Ubuntu 22 Apache server so that the web communication is secure against different types of threats.

Understanding Wildcard SSL Certificates:

It is useful to know what a wildcard SSL certificate is and what is a standard SSL certificate before attempting to install one. A wildcard SSL certificate refers to an SSL/TLS certificate that is used to secure the primary domain and an unlimited number of subsidiary domains that fall under that domain.

For instance, if you have a primary domain example while entering the second-level domain you can type www. example. com. For instance, if the site address is www. example. com, a wildcard certificate will protect all subdomains of the site such as www1. example. com or II. example. com. example. com, mail. example. com, app. example. com, and countless others.

Also Read: What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate, and How Does It Protect Subdomains?

The main benefit the first type of certificate, wildcard, has is the general affordability and the great value. While it may be more appropriate to acquire a different subdomain and install specific SSL certificates for them, using a wildcard certificate can cover all the subdomains.

This not only helps in the efficient management of the SSL certificates, but in addition to this, it also helps you to save a lot of cash in the long run.

Steps to Install Wildcard SSL Certificate on Ubuntu 22 Apache Server

Step 1: Obtain a Wildcard SSL Certificate

The initial key is to obtain a wildcard SSL certificate from a known Certificate Authority (CA).

Hence, while making the purchasing transactions, you will have to provide the main domain name, for instance,, and include the necessary proof that you have control over the domain.

It is essential to avoid pitfalls related to the choice of the CA and ensure their use of high safety standards and comprehensive validation tools.

This will guarantee that your wildcard certificate is recognized by the different web browsers and other clients, hence avoiding any security warning messages that may be a result of its conflict with other certificates.

Step 2: Install Required Packages on Ubuntu 22

To prepare for the installation of the certificate, you will need to make sure the packages needed for the server are available in Ubuntu 22. Open a terminal and run the following command to install the necessary packages:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2

This command has the feature of installing the Apache web server to the system and its dependencies.

Step 3: Create a Directory for SSL Certificates

Create another directory where the SSL certificate for your Groovy program will be stored next. This step helps to organize a server properly and allows adding multiple certificates later without significant changes. Run the following command:

sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl

Step 4: Copy the Wildcard SSL Certificate and Private Key

Copy your wildcard SSL certificate and its corresponding private key to the /etc/apache2/ssl directory. Depending on how you received the certificate files, you may need to use a secure file transfer method (e.g., SFTP, SCP) or copy and paste the content directly into new files.

Step 5: Configure Apache to Use the Wildcard SSL Certificate

When you have these sets, you will proceed to configure Apache for the utilization of the wildcard SSL certificate. Follow these steps:

 Open the Apache SSL configuration file using a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf

Locate the following lines and update them with the appropriate paths and filenames for your wildcard SSL certificate and private key:

SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/your_wildcard_cert.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/your_private_key.key

Click on ‘File’ on the toolbar located at the top of the page, then click Save the changes and exit the text editor.

Step 6: Enable the Apache SSL Module and Default SSL Virtual Host

To enable the Apache SSL module and the default SSL virtual host, run the following commands:

sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2ensite default-ssl

Step 7: Restart Apache

After making the necessary configuration changes, restart the Apache web server to apply the new settings:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Step 8: Testing and Committing

Expanding on the steps above, once the configuration is completed, you can test your wildcard SSL certificate by opening one or many of the subdomains via HTTPS. Make sure that the browser understands and accepts the certificate and that the opposite lowercase padlock icon appears on the Website link.

But you can also check the SSL/TLS configuration of your site yourself by using tools like SSL Labs or any other available resources. These tools will help you to understand where your encryption is weak or strong, what weaknesses can be present in the system, and any aspects that would be best to optimize.

Protection of your online reputation and improvement of this server’s security can be achieved with the help of a wildcard SSL certificate. This how-to guide will help you work through your multiple subdomain management needs and secure your users’ browsing in the process of getting the most out of a single certificate.


Through this well-structured guide, you are now well-equipped with steps to perform while installing a wildcard SSL certificate on the Ubuntu 22 Apache server. This complete encryption program is a robust solution for securing Web media in all your subdomains thus ensuring a thorough satisfaction for clients.

Benefits of our single host SSL/TLS certificates include ease of use, quality security that meets the industry’s high standards, and compliance with THE best practices.

As you can see, SSL/TLS security is not a one-time fix just perform this and everything will be okay, no, no, no it’s a continuous process and what I will recommend is that as you update your certificates, check on your security configurations from time to time.

In case of future updates or changes with your Certificate Authority or the Apache software provider, stay alert to it and implement fixes for any vulnerabilities or issues encountered as soon as possible.

my Apache server is configured securely with the latest SSL/TLS best practices?

To ensure that your Apache server is configured securely with the latest SSL/TLS best practices, you should regularly review and update your Apache configuration, disable insecure protocols and ciphers, and follow industry guidelines and recommendations from trusted sources like Mozilla’s SSL Configuration Generator (