Save up to 90% on SSL

Get the low-cost OV, EV, DV, Multi-Domain, Wildcard, UCC and Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificates.


SSL Certificate Types

Three Different Types of Validation Level & Four Types of SSL Certificate Functionalities to Secure Websites

The SSL certificate is available according to your need. From a small blog type website to big enterprise-level websites that deal with the company's sensitive information, an SSL certificate is designed specifically for fulfilling all types of requirements.

For instance, for those who want basic SSL security like a secure padlock and HTTPS URLs, Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificate is the best option. And those who wish to secure an e-commerce website, an Extended Validated SSL certificate is the right SSL. Similarly, for someone who wants to secure multiple websites, a Multi-Domain SSL certificate is a good option as it helps secure all websites with one single SSL certificate.

SSL Certificate Types with level of Validation & Functionalities

There are two differences between SSL certificates:

  • Validation Level – DV (Domain Validated), OV (Organization Validated) & EV (Extended Validated)
  • Functionality – Single Domain, Wildcard, Multi-Domain, and Multi-Domain Wildcard

Domain Validation

Domain Validation (DV) SSL is the most basic type of security certificate or SSL certificate. To get a DV SSL certificate issued, all you're required to do is prove your domain ownership, which takes a few minutes. Similarly, it's the cheapest SSL certificate among the other two validation types, and it offers strong encryption strength to secure communication between client and server.

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Certera SSL Certificate $3.99/yr Save 87% Single Domain In Minutes
Essential SSL Certificate $4.99/yr Save 92% Single Domain In Minutes
PositiveSSL Certificate $4.99/yr Save 92% Single Domain In Minutes
RapidSSL Certificate $7.99/yr Save 85% Single Domain In Minutes
Comodo SSL Certificate $35.99/yr Save 70% Single Domain In Minutes

Organization Validation

The organization Validation (OV) SSL certificate is a little above the DV SSL certificate. To get this SSL certificate, you must have actual business with a physical location. You'll also require going through a validation process that does the light business verification to know you have the business. In addition, an OV SSL certificate is a good option for organizations or companies who want to secure their sensitive data or someone who wants to secure IP addresses.

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Instant SSL Certificate $26.99/yr Save 83% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Sectigo Instant SSL Pro Certificate $38.40/yr Save 82% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Premium SSL $53.99/yr Save 79% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Sectigo OV SSL Certificate $78.99/yr Save 65% Single Domain 1-3 Days
GeoTrust True BusinessID $89.33/yr Save 64% Single Domain 1-3 Days

Extended Validation

The Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate is the most extensive SSL certificate. It offers the highest level of trust indicator. For EV SSL, the applicant must go through a rigorous verification process to prove their authenticity. However, this SSL certificate is also an investment, as visitors won't have any doubt that they're visiting any dubious website. Similarly, this EV SSL certificate is mandatory to be installed on the websites dealing with the users' financial information. For instance, websites like banking or e-commerce websites must have an EV SSL certificate installed.

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Positive EV SSL $60.99/yr Save 39% Single Domain 1-5 Days
Comodo EV SSL $71.99/yr Save 64% Single Domain 1-5 Days
Thawte SSL Web Server EV $145.99/yr Save 61% Single Domain 1-5 Days
GeoTrust True BusinessID EV SSL $202.48/yr Save 45% Single Domain 1-5 Days
DigiCert EV SSL Certificate $280.99/yr Save 24% Single Domain 1-5 Days
SSL Certificate Types with Functionalities

Single Domain SSL Certificates

A single-domain SSL certificate is an SSL that secures one fully qualified domain name (FQDN). In other words, it offers HTTPS security only for one domain, WWW and Non-WWW, such as and Likewise, it's offered in all three-validation levels, namely DV SSL, OV SSL, and EV SSL.

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Certera SSL Certificate $3.99/yr Save 87% Single Domain In Minutes
Sectigo PositiveSSL $4.99/yr Save 92% Single Domain In Minutes
Sectigo Essential SSL $4.99/yr Save 92% Single Domain In Minutes
RapidSSL Certificate $7.99/yr Save 85% Single Domain In Minutes
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium $38.99/yr Save 72% Single Domain In Minutes

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate

A Multi-Domain SSL certificate is the best SSL certificate for those who want to secure multiple websites. It offers you the ability to secure up to 250 different domains or hostnames using one single SSL certificate. Similarly, this cost-saving multi-Domain SSL certificate is offered in all three validation levels: Domain Validated, Organization Validated, and Extended Validated.

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Certera Multi Domain SSL Flex $13.99/yr Save 90% Flex Domains Coverage In Minutes
Positive Multi-Domain SSL $14.99/yr Save 89% Multiple Domains In Minutes
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SAN $79.99/yr Save 52% Multiple Domains In Minutes
Comodo UCC SSL (DV) $108.20/yr Save 61% Multiple Domains In Minutes
Thawte SSL123 (Flex) $112.97/yr Save 19% Flex Domains Coverage In Minutes

Wildcard SSL Certificate

A Wildcard SSL certificate is the type of SSL certificate that provides HTTPS security for one main domain and an unlimited number of first-level sub-domains. This Wildcard SSL certificate is the best option for any website with sub-domains. Similarly, it's offered in two different validation levels Domain Validation and Organization Validation.

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Certera Wildcard SSL $39.99/yr Save 43% All Sub-Domains In Minutes
Positive SSL Wildcard $49.99/yr Save 79% All Sub-Domains In Minutes
Sectigo EssentialSSL Wildcard $49.99/yr Save 75% All Sub-Domains In Minutes
RapidSSL Wildcard Certificate $69.99/yr Save 68% All Sub-Domains In Minutes
Comodo AMT Wildcard SSL $70.00/yr Save 76% All Sub-Domains In Minutes

Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate

Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate is among the most versatile SSL that secures multiple domains and associated sub-domains. It's the best SSL certificate for anyone looking to secure multiple websites with subdomains. In addition, the Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate is offered in two different validation levels Domain Validation and Organization Validation.

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Sectigo Multi Domain + Wildcard Flex $13.99/yr Save 90% Flex Domains Coverage In Minutes
Certera Multi-Domain + Wildcard (FLEX) $13.99/yr Save 90% Flex Domains Coverage In Minutes
Certera Multi-Domain Wildcard $59.99/yr Save 81% Multiple Domains & Sub-Domains In Minutes
Comodo Multi-Domain Wildcard (DV) $99.99/yr Save 83% Multiple Domains & Sub-Domains In Minutes
Sectigo Multi Domain Wildcard $99.99/yr Save 83% Multiple Domains & Sub-Domains In Minutes

SSL Certificate Benefits

Robust EncryptionRobust Encryption

SSL certificate offered here comes equipped with the latest encryption strength such as SHA 256-bits encryption and RSA 2048-bits key length that helps the secure connection between client and server.

Trust Indicator Trust Indicator

SSL certificate comes with the necessary trust indicator according to chosen validation level. For instance, the EV SSL certificate offers the highest trust indicator like company name within a secure padlock that helps you prove authenticity.

Site Seal Site Seal

The site seal offered by Certificate Authority works as a trust badge installed on essential pages of the website. Similarly, site seals are offered static and dynamically, depending on the validation level.

Warranty Warranty

To prove that the certificate authority is serious about SSL security, they offer a warranty amount as a surety you won't face any SSL security issues because of the certificate authority.

Browser Compatibility Browser Compatibility

SSL certificate comes with more than 99.99% compatibility with all the latest devices and browsers. Your website will work flawlessly without showing any device or browser compatibility warnings or issues.

Refund Refund

All SSL certificates come with a guaranteed 100% refund. Henceforth, if you cancel your issued SSL certificate within 30-days of issuance, you'll get a complete refund into your original payment account or store credit.

SSL Brands

SSL/TLS Certificate Trusted Brands

Certera SSL Icon

Starts @ $3.99/yr

View All Certificates
Comodo SSL Icon

Starts @ $4.99/yr

View All Certificates
Sectigo SSL Icon

Starts @ $4.99/yr

View All Certificates
RapidSSL Icon

Starts @ $7.99/yr

View All Certificates
GeoTrust SSL Icon

Starts @ $38.99/yr

View All Certificates
Thawte SSL Icon

Starts @ $40.99/yr

View All Certificates
Sectigo SSL Icon

Starts @ $205.99/yr

View All Certificates

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