Powerful OV SSL Certificate

Validate your organization and boost the brand reputation. 256-bit encryption and 2048-bit signature.

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Instant SSL Certificate

SSL Security for Websites Handling Company Data Using Branded Instant SSL Certificate

SSL certificates issued by a globally accepted certificate authority such as Comodo are necessary to keep websites secure, especially websites that handle the company's sensitive data. Similarly, to avoid the "Not Secure" warning and build site visitors' trust, you must have an SSL certificate that helps prevent errors and warnings.

Suppose you're among those companies or organizations with websites or websites with sub-domains that work with the company's sensitive data and customers. In that case, Instant SSL certificates are the best option. It comes with the latest security strength like SHA 256-bit encryption & RSA 2048-bit key length, and trust indicator like company details in the SSL certificate offered by Comodo, like an Instant SSL certificate is recommended.

InstantSSL OV Certificates

Product Lowest Price Secures Issuance Time  
Instant SSL Certificate $26.99/yr Save 83% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Instant SSL Pro $38.40/yr Save 82% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Sectigo Instant SSL Pro Certificate $38.40/yr Save 82% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Premium SSL $53.99/yr Save 79% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Sectigo Instant SSL Premium $53.99/yr Save 79% Single Domain 1-3 Days
Premium Wildcard SSL $119.99/yr Save 87% All Sub-Domains 1-3 Days

Comodo Instant SSL Certificate

Instant SSL certificate by Comodo is an affordable OV (Organization Validated) SSL certificate of the market. Like any other OV SSL certificate, it comes with all the security standards that help secure information on the websites dealing with the company's sensitive data. In addition, it provides strong SSL trust indicators like a dynamic site seal that shows company information with the current date and time upon clicking and company information filled within the SSL certificate.

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Starts at $26.99 Buy Now

Comodo Instant SSL Pro

Instant SSL Pro is an organization-validated single-domain SSL certificate by respected certificate authority Comodo that secures your company website and website visitors with the latest security standards mentioned by CA/B Forum. Similarly, to get this OV SSL certificate, the applicant must undergo a 1 to 3 days business validation procedure where the customer's authenticity is verified by the CA, ensuring that customer data will remain secure.

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Starts at $38.40 Buy Now

Comodo Instant SSL Premium

Instant SSL Premium is a premium level OV SSL certificate by Comodo that provides incredible value for business websites dealing with customers' and businesses' sensitive data. It's a top-level OV SSL certificate that comes in combination with trust indicators and encryption standards. Equipped with all the needed trust indicators like company name within SSL certificate and dynamic site seal, it's issued after a 1 to 3-day business verification process. It helps assure that customer or company data on the website will be safe and not intercepted by any malicious third-party hackers.

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Starts at $53.99 Buy Now

Comodo Premium Wildcard SSL

Premium Wildcard SSL is the cost-effective organization-validated Wildcard SSL certificate recommended for companies who have a website with multiple sub-domains. Similarly, like any other OV SSL certificate, the Premium Wildcard SSL certificate comes with trust indicators like company details within the SSL certificate that helps build trust among users. Issued after business authentication, it comes with strong security standards that assure communication between server and client will remain encrypted and no third-party malicious hacker will be able to intercept it.

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Starts at $119.99 Buy Now
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Instant SSL Certificate Benefits

Display of TrustDisplay of Trust

An instant SSL certificate is an organization-validated SSL certificate that offers all the trust indicators needed to ensure the website is safe. Further, being an OV SSL certificate, you get all the essential trust indicators like HTTPS URLs and secure padlock. Above that, they also offer additional indicators like company details within the SSL certificate and site seal.

Big WarrantyBig Warranty

Instant SSL certificates come with a warranty that you'll not face any SSL security-related issues because of any mistake made by a certificate authority. Similarly, they offer a hefty warranty depending upon your purchased SSL certificate to ensure they're serious about it.

Complete RefundComplete Refund

After purchasing the Instant SSL certificate, you're allowed to cancel it. And, if you cancel within 30 days of purchase, you'll also get a 100% refund in your account.

99%+ User Ubiquity99%+ User Ubiquity

Instant SSL certificate comes with more than 99% compatibility. Hence, no matter what device or browser site visitors are using, they'll never come across any SSL compatibility error or warning message. Instead, they'll have smooth interaction with the website and all the needed indicators to build trust to deal with your website.

Encryption StrengthEncryption Strength

Instant SSL certificate comes with the latest encryption strength that helps secure communication between server and client. All SSL certificate offered by Comodo comes with strong SHA 256 bits encryption strength and RSA 2048-bit key length that helps keep communication encrypted between server and client while preventing malicious third-party interception by the hacker.

Site Seal as Trust BadgeSite Seal as Trust Badge

Instant SSL certificates are issued with site seals that are dynamic in nature. For instance, whenever someone clicks on the site seal, they'll be able to see the certificate authority name and company details with the current date & time. It works as a trust badge that helps convey the message that the certificate authority vouches for the website and it's safe to visit.

SSL Brands

SSL/TLS Certificate Trusted Brands

Certera SSL Icon

Starts @ $3.99/yr

View All Certificates
Comodo SSL Icon

Starts @ $4.99/yr

View All Certificates
Sectigo SSL Icon

Starts @ $4.99/yr

View All Certificates
RapidSSL Icon

Starts @ $7.99/yr

View All Certificates
GeoTrust SSL Icon

Starts @ $38.99/yr

View All Certificates
Thawte SSL Icon

Starts @ $40.99/yr

View All Certificates
Sectigo SSL Icon

Starts @ $205.99/yr

View All Certificates

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