DigiCert Provided eToken Setup Instructions

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DigiCert Code Signing Token Setup

Suppose you recently made a SafeNet eToken purchase and eagerly await its delivery. You can track its shipment by accessing the shipment tracker on the USB Token Setup page.

These blog cover the process to setup your DigiCert Code Signing certificate on an existing SafeNet eToken.

Step 1: Before you begin the Code Signing eToken setup, please ensure you have received your eToken, as it is a prerequisite for proceeding further. Once you have the SafeNet eToken, click the “Next” button to continue the setup.

Step 2: The Code Signing eToken installation process necessitates two software downloads: the SafeNet Authentication Client and the DigiCert Hardware Certificate Installer. You can find both of these files on the setup page. Once you’ve downloaded the required software, check the box next to “I’m ready to install my certificate” and click “Next” to proceed.

Step 3: To initiate the DigiCert Hardware Certificate Installer process, you must retrieve the Initialization Code from the designated page. This code will be essential during the first step of the installation process. Copy and save the initialization code, which will only be displayed once.

QUICK NOTE: Keep the page open as you run the DigiCert Hardware Certificate Installer.

Step 4: If you haven’t plugged in the eToken to your PC yet, do so while running the Hardware Certificate Installer. The Certificate Installer will prompt you for the initialization code, so paste it into the appropriate field and click “Next” to continue.

Step 5: Next, check the Token Detection page to ensure your SafeNet eToken is appropriately connected to your PC. To proceed, select “Re-initialize my token, permanently delete any existing certificates and keys” and then click “Next.”

Step 6: On the Key Information page, make the appropriate selections based on your requirements. For most users, the standard options should suffice. If you have requested something other than RSA 4096, make the necessary adjustments accordingly.

RSA – standard

Under Key Type, select RSA.

Under Key Size/Curve Name, select 4096.

ECC Key Types – if requested

Under Key Type, select ECC

Under Key Size/Curve Name, select p-256 or p-384.

Proceed to the Token Setup page and perform the following tasks:

  • Add a Token Name: Choose a suitable name to identify your eToken, especially if you own multiple eTokens.
  • Create a Token Password: This password, also known as a token PIN, will be required to access the certificates stored on your eToken. Be sure to save this password securely in your password manager.

Step 7: While you can change the Administrator Password for the token in the SafeNet client, altering the default administrator password is not recommended. Doing so may permanently lock the token if the password is lost.

QUICK NOTE: If you have kept the Administrator Password the same since receiving your eToken, stick with the factory default password. Otherwise, follow the provided instructions to update it.

Step 8: Some steps may take a few minutes to complete during the certificate installation process. Patience is essential, and it is crucial to remove the eToken only after the entire process is finished. You can close the software once the installer confirms the installation was successful.

Step 9: To verify that your eToken setup is successful, open the SafeNet Authentication client, and you should see your token registered under the name you provided during the initialization process.

Step 10: Finally, to complete the process, return to the instructions website and check the box confirming that you have successfully installed the certificate and saved your password.

Step 11: Click “Finish” to conclude the setup process.

With these steps, your SafeNet eToken will be ready for secure and reliable usage. Enjoy the benefits of enhanced security and protection for your digital assets.

Get Robust Code Security and Software Authenticity with DigiCert Code Signing Certificates starting at $369.99/year.