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What Is SSH (Secure Shell)? How does the SSH Protocol work? [ Guide]

The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is a technique for securely Sending instructions to a computer over an insecure network. In SSH, communications between devices are authenticated and encrypted using cryptography. Data packets can traverse networks they would not usually be able to use tunneling, also known as port forwarding, made…
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SHA1 vs SHA2 vs SHA256 vs SHA512 Hash Algorithms – Know the Difference

Hackers do not take a break. As a result, it’s essential that you fully understand every cybersecurity term. During your cybersecurity journey, you could have encountered the term “Secure Hashing Algorithm.“ The Secure Hash Algorithm, sometimes called SHA1, SHA2, SHA256, and SHA512, is among the most common topics. There needs…
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What is Quantum-safe Cryptography? Quantum vs. Post-Quantum Cryptography

The number of Internet users globally peaked at 4.7 billion in early 2020, representing a startling 1,187% surge in only 20 years. In addition, our growing reliance on Internet-based technology produces enormous volumes of data. This data must be encrypted since it includes many “sensitive” information. We utilize specialized encryption…
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What is a Hardware Security Module? Comprehensive Guide

Imagine a world where your valuable secrets and sensitive information are guarded with an ironclad shield of protection. A realm where unauthorized access is nothing but a distant nightmare. Welcome to the realm of HSM, the mighty guardian that stands tall to safeguard your digital treasures. HSM, short for Hardware…
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Google Chrome 116 Introduced Hybrid Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithm for HTTPS

In a significant leap towards bolstering digital security, Google Chrome has introduced support for a hybrid post-quantum cryptographic algorithm in its latest release, version 116, released on August 15. An announcement made by Devon O’Brien from the Chromium Project blog post, made live on August 10, signifies this adoption as…
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SSL/TLS Handshake: A Crucial Step Towards Secure Connections

SSL/TLS handshake establishes secure connections and safeguards sensitive data. This intricate process Often operates silently in the background, ensuring that websites and applications uphold the highest encryption and authentication standards.  In exploring the SSL/TLS handshake, we embark on its inner workings, understand its significance in modern cybersecurity, and shed light…
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ECC, RSA & DSA Encryption Algorithm: Difference to Know

With the rapid rise of cryptography, the RSA algorithm was a groundbreaking creation that forever changed the landscape of secure communication. Conceived in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, RSA harnesses the computational challenge of prime number factorization to create a robust public key/private fundamental framework. This…
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What Is OCSP Stapling or SSL Stapling? – A Detailed Guide

OCSP stapling renders it more accessible and more rapid for a customer than ever to check the status of an SSL/TLS certificate’s revocation. It is an enhancement over the existing industry standard, OCSP. But what exactly is OCSP stapling, and why does it matter for the security of your website?…
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What Is Homomorphic Encryption?

Homomorphism is an algebraic term that gives rise to the word homomorphic. “A homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two identical algebraic structures, such as two groups, two rings, or two vector spaces.” (Wiki source) Homomorphic encryption is a kind of encryption that enables users to carry out binary operations…
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What is a Cipher? Types of Ciphers in Cryptography

Ciphers are often grouped based on their operation and how their key is applied to encryption and decryption. Block ciphers combine symbols into a fixed-size message (the block), whereas stream ciphers use a continuous stream of symbols. The same key is used for encryption and decryption when utilizing a symmetric…
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What Is a Certificate Revocation List? [CRL Explained]

The foundation of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which secures billions of online transactions, is the X.509 digital certificate standard. But what will happen if these certificates or the keys that go with them have an issue? They need to be revoked since it is clear that they can no longer be…
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OCSP vs. CRL: What is the Difference?

Browsers verify the validity of a website’s TLS certificate before connecting to it, and they display a warning message if the certificate has been revoked. OCSP, CRLs, OCSP must-staple, and OCSP stapling are revocations status-checking techniques browsers use. This article analyses and compares two techniques, named CRL vs OCSP. The…
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How to Disable HSTS in Chrome & Firefox?

Web designers, web developers, website owners, and visitors all embrace HSTS eagerly because it provides them with the desired security for their sites. HSTS stands for HTTP Strict Transport Security. It can boost the internet by providing an additional degree of protection. HSTS protects internet connections from dangerous cyber criminals…
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What is SSL Cipher Suite, and How it Works?

If you have a website, you must have an SSL certificate. In general, you’re certainly aware of how SSL certificates work. It utilizes the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to ensure that the communication between your website and the web browser (used by the user) is protected and secured. Furthermore,…
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How Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Works to Keep Your Data Secure?

Securing Digital Communication: The Vital Role of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) With increasing cyber threats, robust data encryption has become crucial to any organization, regardless of dimension or sector. Encryption is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext, rendering it unreadable to unauthorized users. It plays a crucial role in…