How to Generate CSR on Microsoft IIS Web Server?

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Generate CSR on Microsoft IIS Web Server

To generate CSR on Microsoft IIS webserver, you can either make use of the automated CSR generation tool or make use of IIS Manager.

Using the CSR Generator Tool, add the required details one by one, select the specific key size and press the Generate Now button. You will have you CSR on your screen instantly.

Steps to generate a CSR in Microsoft IIS using IIS Manager:

  • Open IIS Manager
  • Navigate to the server’s name or website you want to generate the CSR for.
  • In the center pane, double-click Server Certificates or Website Certificates depending on whether you want to generate CSR for the server or website.
  • In the right pane, click “Import/Export” at the top
  • Select “Export certificate”.
  • In the Export Certificate or CSR dialog > select “Export request (CSR)” under Export type.
  • Click “Browse” and select a location to save the CSR file. Provide a name for the CSR file and click “Save”.
  • Check the “Include all intermediate certification authorities” option if you want the CSR to include intermediate CAs.
  • Click “OK” to export the CSR.
  • The CSR file will be exported with a .csr extension. This file needs to be submitted to a Certificate Authority to obtain the SSL certificate.
  • Once you receive the signed certificate from the CA, you can import it back into IIS using the same steps but by selecting “Import X.509 Certificate” instead of “Export request (CSR)”.
  • Bind the new certificate to the website or server to start using the SSL encryption.

Save this CSR file to a specific and secure location and make sure no one can access it.

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