How to Generate CSR in Node.js Web Server?
This guide will show you how to generate a Certificate Signing Request in a Node.js Web Server.
You have two options to generate CSR.
- Automatic CSR Generation Tool
- Make use of the Crypto Module.
Generating CSR on NodeJS is very easy & quick using our CSR generation tool.
Steps to Generate CSR in Node.js using the Crypto Module:
Generate a private key using the following code. The key will be required to generate the CSR.
const privateKey = crypto.createPrivateKey({
modulusLength: 2048,
publicKeyEncoding: {
type: 'spki'
privateKeyEncoding: {
type: 'pkcs1'
Define your certificate details in an X509 name object; this includes basic information like common name (CN), country, organization, etc.
For example:
const x509name = {
CN: '',
O: 'Example Org',
C: 'IN'
Use the x509name object and private key to generate the CSR.
const csr = crypto.createCSR({
name: x509name,
Convert the CSR string to PEM format; this is the standard format for CSRs. Use the following command:
const csrPEM = crypto.CSR_to_PEM(csr);
Your CSR PEM string is ready to be submitted to a certificate authority for signing and issuing an SSL certificate.
You can save the CSR PEM to a file using fs.writeFileSync() or any other file writing method.
That’s the basic process to generate a CSR in Node.js using the crypto module.
Next Step: Steps to Install SSL Certificate on Node.js