Generate a Certificate Signing Request

Create CSR and Private Key Automatically in a Minute with this Free Tool.


Free CSR Generator SSL Tool

Automatically and Securely Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) within Seconds

Before you can get an SSL certificate, it is recommended that your server or device generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

Note: If you are generating a (CSR) certificate signing request for a Wildcard SSL Certificate, don’t forget to use the wildcard symbol (*) at the beginning to enable the wildcard functionality. For example:

  • *

If you're generating a (CSR) certificate signing request for a Multi-Domain SSL certificate, you can use your Domain's Common Name (CN) or you can say FQDN, such as or

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is CSR?

The CSR code, a certificate signing request, is a unique code required for SSL activation. It includes details such as the name of the website and the company's contact information. The code should be written on the hosting server for many reasons. It is a requirement on some servers.

The certificate signing request (CSR) for the website's domain name (or common name) might require to be generated after you get an SSL certificate, additionally, the credit is available in your account before you can request the SSL certificate.

Note: Many hosting companies assist their customers with CSR code generation when possible. It is thus wise to inquire with the web hosting companies about whether they offer this service and whether it is included in the price of the hosting service.

Can I create CSR?

If you run the hosting server independently or if this is the best choice for your server type and hosting package, you can create a Certificate Signing Request code independently. Choose your web server from the specified list, such as

  • cPanel
  • Apache OpenSSL/ModSSL/Nginx/Heroku
  • WHM
  • Tomcat (using the key tool)
  • Plesk 12
  • Plesk Onyx
  • IIS 7
  • IIS 8 & 10, etc.,

Then follow the instructions.

What are the Steps to Generate a CSR for CA?

To create your CSR, follow the steps below.

  • Go to Start > Run.
  • Click OK after entering MMC
  • Select File > Add or Remove Snap-in
  • Select Add after clicking Certificates
  • Click Next after selecting Computer Account
  • Click Finish after selecting Local Computer
  • The Snap-ins window can be closed by clicking OK
Why is Creating a CSR Necessary?

Creating a certificate signing request (CSR) is one of the initial stages in obtaining your SSL/TLS certificate. The CSR, generated on the server where you intend to install the certificate, includes data that the Certificate Authority (CA) will need to make your certificate, such as your common name, organization, and country.

Do CSRs include Private keys?

CSR contains details such as the domain name, organization name, region, and nation. The same server also creates the private key, and the request also includes the public key that will be linked to the issued certificate.

How do I Determine What Key Length I should Employ?

A private key's strength increases with its size. Unfortunately, using that key for cryptographic methods will be more difficult the larger it gets. Although cryptanalysis techniques are constantly evolving, RSA 2048-bit and ECC 256-bit keys are now regarded as adequately secure for most use cases.

Are there any additional SSL-related Security Settings I need to be aware of?

Yes, a server can offer a variety of HTTP headers to assist the browser in enforcing the necessary security measures. Check the Security Headers.

You should look at Report URI since it could assist you in monitoring the implementation of your Content Security Policy (CSP) and Public Key Pinning (HPKP) systems.