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DV (Domain Validated) SSL is the basic SSL that requires less effort to issue the SSL. As the issuer only needs to validate the domain name, the
DV SSL Certificate, also known as a Standard SSL certificate, provides basic SSL security like HTTPS URLs. A secure padlock icon helps prevent the “Not Secure” warning message. The small level website or blogging networks mainly uses DV SSL, which contains less user information.
You only have to prove domain ownership in the DV SSL certificate validation process. CA will not asked to prove business legitimacy.
Check these easy steps to complete the DV SSL Validation and issue the Certificate in Minutes
The DV SSL Certificate authentication process does not require any errors or paperwork. It requires only to submit minimum effort, and the process takes a few minutes to complete.
After purchasing the DV SSL certificate from a trusted CA like Comodo, Sectigo, or Certera; submit the generated CSR (Certificate Signing Request); you must prove that you’re the domain owner to the certificate authority from whom you purchased the SSL certificate. Similarly, below are the three different methods that you can use to prove your domain ownership:
It’s the most straightforward and used method for verifying your domain ownership. Certificate Authority will send you an email with a link to click on any pre-approved email addresses. Website admin can use these five pre-approved email addresses for verification.
Note: If you use an email address listed in the WHOIS record, make sure it’s publicly available, or else it will not be considered valid.
To complete this verification process, you need to collect the Auth file from your Certificate Authority or from the SSL provider from whom you have purchase the SSL. Now, upload the Auth file to the root directory of your server. The CA will verify the file and issue your certificate.
To complete the DNS Verification, create the CNAME record of the Certificate Authority and wait till it is not propagated to the internet. Completing it can take around 24 hours and isn’t in anyone’s control. Make sure you have access to the hosting control panel.
After you complete the DV validation process, which hardly takes a few minutes, if you go with the first option of the Email Verification step, your SSL certificate will get issued immediately. Your only task left is the SSL installation. Check our SSL installation guides for different servers.