How to Generate a CSR on Webmin Server?

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Generate a CSR on Webmin Server

Today, we dive into a crucial aspect – how to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR ) on a Webmin Server. We will guide you through the complete process using a “step-by-step procedure.” Doing so will help you grasp and understand the process better.

But before starting with that, it would be better for you to comprehend – “What is a CSR?” And “Why is it needed or important?” So, why wait? Let’s begin!

Buy SSL Certificates

What is a CSR?

A CSR is an encoded block of text that a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), like – Certera, Comodo, Sectigo, etc., needs to verify the details of the entity to whom the certificate is being issued.

In lay terms, it holds vital details about your – website, service, or organization, including the domain name. A CSR also encompasses the public key and signature elements used to verify your identity.

Why is it Needed or Important?

A Certificate Signing Request is paramount. Using it, the Certificate Authority verifies the – identity of the entity requesting the SSL certificate and creates an SSL cert for their website that – encrypts the traffic (communication) between the client and the server.

How to Create a CSR on the Webmin Server?

Follow the steps mentioned below to create a CSR on the Webmin server:

  • Enter your credentials and log into your Webmin interface.
  • In the left pane, click the Terminal icon (>_) or press Alt + K on your keyboard.
  • The Terminal window will appear.
  • In the Terminal window, paste the below command:
detasudo openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout /etc/ssl/ -out /etc/ssl/ -subj /C=US/ST=Florida/L=Saint Petersburg/O=Rapid Web Services/OU=Support/CN=domainname; cat /etc/ssl/domainname.csr
  • Note: You have to change the bold part (highlighted with red) in the above code as per your domain.
  • The CSR will be generated.

Here are the details to help you out with the code that you need to enter:

/etc/ssl/ file path where the key is stored.
CEnter the two-letter ISO code of your country.
STWrite the full name of the state, such as Florida.
LWrite the full name of the city, like New York.
OEnter the full name of your organization without special characters. For OV or EV SSL certificates, use the legal name of your organization.
OUName of the department, e.g., Marketing Department.
CNYour domain name, like or Use an asterisk for Wildcard SSL certificates, e.g., *

Now, all that is left is to –  copy all the content, including —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST—— to —–END CERTIFICATE REQUEST—–. Once copied, open a text editor like – Notepad ++ and press Ctrl + V to paste the copied content.

With this, your CSR is ready!

Next Step: “How to Install an SSL certificate on a Webmin server?