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Eager to secure your Webmin server with SSL? If “YES,” then dive into our straightforward guide to install an SSL Certificate on Webmin. Forget the tech jargon and complex processes – we keep it simple and efficient.
Our installation guide is designed for all, from technologically challenged (tech newbies) to seasoned professionals. Just a handful of steps and you’ll be on your way to a – more secure web experience. So, why wait? Let’s begin!
Before moving with the installation steps, make sure that you have an SSL cert issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (a.k.a, CA) for the domain that you wish to – shield. To install an SSL cert on any server, you first need to – have an SSL certificate!
Once you have an SSL Cert, create a CSR and submit it to a Certificate Authority. If you are unaware of the process, just follow our other guide on “How to Create a CSR for Webmin Server?”. You will be able to create a CSR successfully.
Note: A CSR is an encoded block of text that comprises essential information about your company and domain. SSL certificate providers (Certificate Authority), like – Comodo, Certera, Sectigo, etc., use the CSR to verify the identity of the applicants. If the data within the CSR is up to date and correct and up to date, the Certificate Authority issues the SSL Certificate.
Once the Certificate Authority has signed and sent the SSL cert, you can proceed with the installation on your – Webmin server. Follow the steps mentioned below to accomplish the same:
The first step is to download and unzip the SSL certificate sent by the CA on the registered email ID in the form of a zip folder, after successful verification. Make sure you have these files:
The next step is to upload the necessary files to the – Webmin server. Follow the steps mentioned below to accomplish the same:
Follow the steps mentioned below to configure Apache:
Now, all that’s left is to restart – Apache. Doing so successfully completes the SSL certificate installation process. Follow the steps mentioned below to accomplish the same:
Congratulations! You have successfully added and installed an SSL certificate on your Webmin server.
SSL connection errors can stem because of “n” number of reasons or factors, including browser complications and server issues. To thoroughly evaluate and correct these issues, it is highly recommended to utilize testing tools such as SSL Checker.