How to Install an SSL Certificate on Vesta CP?

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Install SSL Certificate in VestaCP

In the article, we will guide you through how to install an SSL Certificate in Vesta CP. But before we start, you need to have an SSL cert. You can obtain one by submitting a CSR to a trusted certificate authority or by getting a self-signed one. 

Please go through the installation steps mentioned in the article if you have an SSL cert issued; if not, please go through the article “How to Generate CSR for Vesta CP” and then the instructions below.

How to Install an SSL Certificate on Vesta CP?

Follow the steps mentioned below to install an SSL Certificate on Vesta CP:

Step 1: Prepare the SSL Cert Files

Follow the steps mentioned below to prepare the SSL cert files for installation:

  • Download the .zip folder that you received via email from the CA.
  • Extract all its content, i.e., primary certificate (.crt file), primary key, and intermediate certificates (.ca-bundle file).

Step 2: Install the SSL Certificate on the Vesta CP Server

Follow the steps mentioned below to install the SSL cert on the Vesta CP server:

  • Enter your credentials to log into the Vesta CP dashboard.
  • The Vesta CP dashboard will open.
  • In the Vesta CP dashboard, navigate to the WEB tab.
  • From the list, select the domain you want to shield. 
  • Click Edit
  • The Editing Domain page will open. 
  • In the Editing Domain page, check the checkbox in front of the SSL Support option.
  • Verify that the Let’s Encrypt Support checkbox has not been checked.
  • Enter the details in the respective fields: 
  • In the SSL Certificate field, enter the contents of the .crt file (primary certificate).
  • In the SSL Key field, paste the private key.
  • In the SSL Certificate Authority/Intermediate (optional) field, enter the contents of the .ca-bundle file (intermediate certificate).
  • Scroll to the bottom. 
  • Click Save

Kudos!! You have successfully installed an SSL cert on the Vesta CP Server. 

Test the SSL Installation

After the SSL Certificate installation, the configuration of the SSL certificate in the Vesta CP server should be checked, as issues might exist that could hamper the server’s performance.

You can use SSL diagnostic tools like SSL Certificate Checker, Test SSL/TLS Capabilities, etc., which provide valuable insights and instant reports on vulnerabilities, protocol support, mixed content handling, etc.