How to Install an SSL Certificate on Virtualmin Server?

Let me guess: You generated the certificate signing request for your Virtualmin server and issued the SSL cert. Now, you want to know how to install it on the Virtualmin server. If that’s the case, you have landed on the right article, which is why you are here. In this article, we will teach you – “How to install an SSL cert on the Virtualmin Server.”
But, if you haven’t generated the CSR and want to shield Virtualmin using an SSL cert, we recommend you go through the – “How to Generate CSR on Virtualmin Server” article.
Follow the step-by-step instructions mentioned over there. Once you have generated the certificate signing request and issued the SSL cert, you can move forward with the SSL cert installation steps.
How to Install the SSL Certificate on the Virtualmin Server?
Follow the steps mentioned below to install the SSL certificate on the Virtualmin server:
Step 1: Prepare the SSL Files
Follow the steps mentioned below to prepare the SSL files:
- Unzip the .zip folder that you received from the certificate authority on your official email ID.
- Extract all its content.
- Make sure you have the primary certificate (.crt file), primary key, and intermediate certificates (.ca-bundle file).
Step 2: Install the SSL Certificate on the Virtualmin Server
Follow the steps mentioned below to install the SSL cert on the virtualmin server:
- Enter your credentials to log in to the Virtualmin dashboard.
- From the top-left list, select the domain that you want to shield using the SSL cert.
- Navigate to Server Configuration > Manage SSL Certificate.
- Click the New Certificate option.
- In the Signed SSL Certificate field, paste the data of your SSL cert file.
- In case, the CSR is generated on the Virtualmin server, keep the Matching private key.
- Click Install.
- Click on the CA Certificate tab. (Optional step)
- Add the content of the .ca-bundle (Intermediate Certificates) file. (Optional step)
Kudos! You have successfully installed an SSL certificate on the Virtualmin Server.
Test the SSL Installation
To maximize the efficiency of your Virtualmin Server, especially after implementing an SSL Certificate, it’s paramount to analyze the SSL configuration thoroughly. You can accomplish this by utilizing diagnostic tools like – SSL Checker.
These tools will perform an in-depth analysis and provide thorough reports. Doing this is vital as it helps you discover and solve SSL certificate-related issues that may affect the server’s performance and hamper your browsing experience.