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Welcome to web hosting with LiteSpeed! This guide will explore how to use SSL/TLS protection. Our tutorial will also help a seasoned webmaster seeking a hassle-free installation process or a curious enthusiast eager to safeguard their digital domain.
Our mission is two-fold: first, we’ll navigate through the seamless steps of installing an SSL/TLS certificate on LiteSpeed. Fear not, for we shall make this journey as smooth as a glistening river on a summer’s day.
And second, we unveil the secrets to securing the best and most affordable SSL certificates, tailored for your LiteSpeed server, like precious gems waiting to be discovered.
If you’ve already charted your course with a CSR code and certificate application, feel free to set sail with us on this SSL expedition. We shall unlock the power of encryption and instill trust among our visitors.
So, prepare to elevate your website’s security by installing an SSL/TLS certificate on LiteSpeed. Let us begin!
Ensuring the security of your server is of utmost importance; to accomplish that, you’ll need a few essential elements in your arsenal. Fear not; we shall guide you through the process with clarity and simplicity, ensuring a seamless implementation.
These crucial files are the base in enabling devices connecting to your server to identify the issuing CA, a crucial link in the security chain. If you received your SSL certificate in a ZIP folder, you’ll likely find the Intermediate certificate(s) bundled within, also known as a CA Bundle.
Should you not have them, fret not, as you can download the appropriate CA Bundle from a trusted source tailored to complement your specific certificate.
The guardian of your server’s encryption lies within the private key. This file should reside on your server or be securely kept if you generated the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using a free generator tool.
While specific platforms like Microsoft IIS might not immediately display the private key, rest assured, it’s meticulously safeguarded by the server.
The very foundation of your SSL/TLS protection lies in the server certificate you obtained from the Certificate Authority (CA) for your domain. If you’ve received it through email, keep it safe. Alternatively, you can easily download it from your Account Dashboard by accessing your order details.
Equipping yourself with these vital components – your server certificate, intermediate certificates, and private key fortify your server’s defenses, instilling confidence and trust among your users.
QUICK NOTE: A well-protected server is the cornerstone of a secure online presence, and now you possess the knowledge to embark on this journey with peace of mind. Safeguard your digital domain, and let security pave the way to a seamless web hosting experience.
Before acquiring an SSL Certificate for your website, you must generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) code and submit it to your Certificate Authority (CA) for verification. The CSR contains encrypted contact information that ensures the authenticity of your request.
To proceed, you have two options at your disposal:
Consider utilizing a CSR Generator for a quick and effortless CSR creation process.
Follow our detailed guide below to generate a CSR code on LiteSpeed:
To ensure a secure connection for your website, follow these steps to generate your private key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using OpenSSL:
Run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
Please note that “server” is the name given to your private key. You can choose any name you prefer, but it is essential to maintain the .key extension.
Run the following command:
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
If you assigned a different name to your private key, replace “server.key” with the appropriate name in the command. Additionally, for the “server.csr” part, you can rename it as desired, but remember to keep the .csr extension.
During the CSR generation process, you will be prompted to provide the following contact information:
Common Name (CN):
Enter the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) you wish to protect, such as yoursite.com. For wildcard certificates, include an asterisk (*) before your domain (e.g., *.yoursite.com).
Organization Name (O):
Specify the full legal name of your company, like Your Company LLC.
Organizational Unit (OU):
Name your company’s department requesting the SSL Certificate, e.g., IT.
Locality or City (L):
Provide the full name of your company’s registered city, for example, Albuquerque.
State or Province (ST):
Type the full name of the state or province where your company is legally located, e.g., New Mexico.
Country (C):
Provide the two-letter code of your country, like US. You can find the complete list of country codes online.
Once you have completed the process, your CSR code will reside in the directory where you executed the command. Locate the generated “server.csr” file and open it with a text editor like Notepad.
To obtain your SSL Certificate, you must share the CSR content, including the BEGIN and END tags, with your chosen SSL vendor during the ordering process. This allows them to validate and issue the SSL Certificate for your website.
You’ve now successfully generated your private key and CSR code, taking a significant stride toward securing your website with an SSL Certificate.
Ensuring a secure and encrypted connection is crucial for any website, and with LiteSpeed, the process becomes simple and efficient.
Follow these installation instructions to safeguard your server with an SSL certificate:
Step 1: Access your LiteSpeed WebAdmin console and click “Listeners” followed by “Add.”
Step 2: Fill in the following Address Settings to configure the newly created Listener:
Step 3: Navigate to the “Listeners” section again, and choose the Listener Name you previously set (e.g., “SSL”).
Step 4: Once on the SSL tab under your chosen Listener, click the “Edit” button in the SSL Private Key & Certificate section.
Step 5: Configure Filepaths:
Follow these instructions to configure your Certificate filepaths:
Complete one of the two options below for the successful installation of intermediate certificates:
a) CA Certificate Path: Enter the path to the intermediate certificate “file” received from the CA.
b) CA Certificate File: Provide the path to the “directory” containing the intermediate certificates sent by the CA. Click “Save.”
Step 6: Edit SSL Protocol:
Return to the SSL tab under your Listener and click the “Edit” button in the SSL Protocol section. Select “TLSv1.1” and “TLSv1.2” for Protocol Version, and then click “Save.”
Step 7: Virtual Host Mappings:
Head back to the “Listeners” section and choose your Listener Name (e.g., “SSL”). Under your selected Listener, click the “Add” button in the Virtual Host Mappings section.
Step 8: Connect Virtual Host:
In the Virtual Host Mappings section, select the Virtual Host you want to connect to the Listener from the drop-down menu.
Step 9: Enter Domains:
For the chosen Virtual Host, enter all the Domains that connect to your vhost(s). Use commas to separate multiple domains if applicable. Click “Save.”
Step 10: Graceful Restart:
Navigate to your Dashboard by selecting “Dashboard” from the menu. Click the green “Graceful Restart” button to apply the changes.
Congratulations! Your SSL certificate is now successfully installed. To verify the installation, visit your website in a browser at https://yourdomain.tld and check the certificate/site information to ensure HTTPS/SSL is working correctly.
Remember that a server restart might be necessary for the changes.