How to Install SSL Certificate on Remote Desktop Services

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Install SSL On Remote Desktop Service

SSL Certificates are used to secure the Remote Desktop Services (RDS) as it encrypts the data transmitted between the remote user and the RDS server.

This guide will discuss installing an SSL Certificate on a Remote Desktop Service.

Cheap SSL Certificates

The Prerequisites:

  • Private Key File
  • Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File
  • Server Certificate File
  • Intermediate Certificate File

SSL Certificate Installation on Remote Desktop Services

  1. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Gateway Manager
  2. To access the Properties settings for your Remote Desktop Gateway Manager, right-click on ‘RD Gateway Server‘ within the Console tree.
  3. Now, select the SSL Certificate tab and click on Import a certificate to continue with the RD Gateway Certificates.
  4. To upload your SSL Certificate, select the ‘Browse and import certificate‘ option, locate it in its saved location, and click ‘Open‘.
  5. To securely access your Private Key > please enter the password you created > click on Import Certificate and hit OK
  6. Restart your server and you are good to go. You have successfully installed an SSL certificate on your Remote Desktop Services.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having trouble installing your SSL certificate, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Make sure that the Certificate Authority (CA) is trusted. Certera, Comodo, and Sectigo are the most trusted SSL Certificate Authorities.
  • Check if the Private Key and CSR data is matching
  • Ensure the Intermediate Certificates are properly installed on your server.


Q: How to I tell if my SSL Certificate installed correctly?

You can use an online SSL checker tool to verify whether the certificate is installed correctly. Alternatively, you can view your website’s secure connection by clicking on the padlock icon in your browser’s address bar.

Q: Where is my RDP Server Certificate Located?

You can locate your RDP server certificate on the Remote Desktop. Simply run this command: certlm.msc.

Q: How do I import a certificate from a remote desktop?

  1. Go to Connection Broker and open the Server Manager.
  2. In the left navigation pane, locate Remote Desktop Services and click on it.
  3. Click Tasks > Edit Deployment Properties.
  4. From the Configure the deployment window click on Certificates.
  5. Tap on “Select existing certificates” and navigate to the location where you saved the certificate. Make sure the certificate file is in PFX format.
  6. Import the certificate.