How to Install an SSL Certificate on Microsoft Azure?

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Install SSL On Azure

SSL, or secure socket layer, certificates are essential for encrypting data between a web server and a browser. Installing an SSL certificate is relatively straightforward for Microsoft Azure websites.

This article will discuss the steps required to install an SSL certificate on Microsoft Azure.

The Prerequisites:

  1. Valid SSL Certificate
  2. Generated CSR
  3. Apply for SSL Certificate Issuance
  4. Complete the Domain Validation Process
  5. Complete the Organization Validation Process (Only for Extended & Organization Validation)

Also Read: Steps to Generate CSR on Microsoft Azure

Step 1: Prepare your Certificate for Upload

Unzip and extract their contents to your device for quick access upon receiving the SSL certificates from the Certificate Authority.

The next step is to merge the server, root, and intermediate certificates from separate files into one.

  • Create a separate file named certificatemerge.crt
  • Open all the three certificate files
  • Copy their contents
  • Paste them into the newly created .crt file

Make sure you paste the content of the certificates in the following sequence:

  • Server Certificate
  • Intermediate Certificates
  • Root Certificate

Step 2: Export the SSL Certificate to PFX File

Once you have completed the merging process for your SSL certificate, export the entire PFX file, including both the private key and certificate.

We will be using OpenSSL to export the certificate. Open the command prompt and type in:

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey privateKey.key -in certFileName.crt -certfile CACertificate.crt -out nameYouWantForPFX.pfx

Replace “privateKey.key” with the name of your private key file, “certFileName.crt” with the certificate you just merged, and “CACertificate.crt” with the Certificate Authority certificate.

Step 3: Upload & Install SSL Certificate in Azure

  • Log into your Microsoft Azure account, click on App Services
  • Select the website you want to add the SSL certificate to
  • Click on SSL certificates, and you can upload your certificate.
  • Click on Upload Certificate
  • Choose the PFX file that you have exported in Step 2
  • Enter the password for your PFX file and click “Ok”.

Bind the Certificate with following steps

  • Go to “SSL Settings
  • click on “Bindings”.
  • Select the certificate uploaded in Step 3 and click “Add Binding”.

After completing these steps, your SSL certificate should be installed, and you can now access your website securely.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are still having trouble installing your SSL certificate, make sure to check the following:

  • Buy/Renew SSL Certificate from Trusted Certificate Authorities as Sectigo, Certera, or Comodo.
  • Make sure that all technical requirements for installing SSL on Azure are fulfilled.
  • Ensure that all the necessary files (server, intermediate, and root certificates) are in the certFileName.crt file.
  • Verify that the private key and certificate are matching.
  • When uploading the PFX file, ensure you’ve entered the correct password.
  • Check if your domain is active in Azure before binding the certificate to it.
  • Use our SSL Checker tool to check the Proper SSL Installation

If these steps do not work, contact your Certificate Authority or Microsoft Azure Support for further assistance.


Q1: Why is SSL 3.0 not provided in Azure?

SSL 3.0 is an outdated cryptographic protocol with known vulnerabilities not provided in Azure. Microsoft has deprecated the use of SSL 3.0 & recommends using TLS 1.2 or higher instead, as they are more secure protocols.

For improved security, Azure also recommends enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) on your applications to help ensure that all requests are served over HTTPS. Disabling insecure protocols like SSL 3.0 also ensures that only secure connections can be established between a client and server when using Azure services.

Q2: What is the Minimum Requirement for installing an SSL Certificate on Microsoft Azure?

The minimum requirement for installing an SSL Certificate on Microsoft Azure is that it must be in PFX format with a private key & all the necessary certificates (server, intermediate, root certificates). Additionally, you need access to your Azure account & have the correct permissions to install the certificate.