How to Create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for Media Temple Grid Server?
There are two options for creating a CSR on the Media Temple Grid server, both of which can be used based on personal preference.
Option 1: Use a CSR Generator tool that automatically generates the CSR.
Option 2: Create it manually.
Follow the steps mentioned below to create a CSR for Media Temple Grid manually:
- Login into your Mediate Temple Grid console.
- Navigate Account Center > Domains.
- Select the domain that you want to secure.
- Navigate GRID Control Panel > ADD-ONS > SSL Certificate > Certificate Signing Request.
- Click Generate CSR.
- In the New Certificate Request window, perform the following actions:
- In the Organization name field, type thelegal name of your organization.
- In the Organization unit field, type the unit’s name (department) requesting the certificate within your organization. (example – IT)
- In the Email field, type the email address.
- In the State field, type the name of the state where your organization is located.
- Verify the details, click Generate.
- Open the CSR with a text editor (like – Notepad) and copy and paste all its content (including the —–BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST—– and —–END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST—– tags) into the SSL Certificate order form.
Note: Ensure that all the details entered in the CSR are accurate and updated. If the CA finds any inaccuracies, it may decline to issue the SSL certificate.
Next Step: How to Install SSL Certificate on Media Temple Grid?