How to Install an SSL Certificate on Media Temple Grid?

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Installing SSL Certificate on Media Temple

Media Temple, founded in 1998 by Demian Sellfros and John Carey, is a cloud and website hosting provider tailored explicitly for web developers and designers. It offers features like – LAMP compatibility, Fast CGI, clustered architecture, etc. GoDaddy acquired it in 2013 but has remained a separate operation since then.

In this article, we will explore – “How to install an SSL certificate on Media Temple Grid Server?”

Before Installing SSL Certificate, Its necessary to Generate Certificate Signing Request on Media Temple Grid Server

How to Install an SSL Certificate on Media Temple Grid?

Step 1: Unzip and Extract Files from .zip Folder

After verifying the CSR details, the CA signs the SSL certificate and sends it via email in a .zip folder. Once you have got the email, download the .zip folder and extract all its content. Make sure that you have a Primary SSL certificate (.crt), Intermediate certificates (.ca-bundle), and a Primary Key. 

Step 2: Install the SSL Certificate on Media Temple Grid Server

Follow the steps mentioned below to install the SSL cert on Media Temple Grid Server:

  1. Login into your Mediate Temple Grid console.
  2. Click Domains.
  3. Select the domain that you want to secure.
  4. Navigate to GRID Control Panel > ADD-ON. (To secure a different domain, select the ALTERNATE DOMAIN ADMIN.)
  5. Click SSL Certificates.
  6. Click Import Certificate.
  7. Copy and paste your SSL certificate files into the corresponding text box, ensuring that you include the BEGIN and END tags.
  8. Leave the Key field blank if your CSR code was generated on Media Temple Grid; otherwise, copy and paste your private key.
  9. In the Certificates field, enter your Primary SSL Certificate.
  10. In the CA/Chain Certificate field, copy-paste your Intermediate certificate. If you have multiple intermediate certificates, include all of them, one after another.
  11. Click Save.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the SSL cert on the Media Temple Grid server.

Test the SSL Installation Status

After installing the SSL certificate, testing the installation status to identify any vulnerabilities or issues and ensure your SSL certificate is configured correctly is paramount. To do so, use SSL testing tools such as SSL Checker to thoroughly test all aspects of your SSL cert and its configuration and provide a detailed report.