You can create certificate signing request automatically using CSR Generator Tool or manually.
Follow the steps mentioned below to create a Code Signing Request for Joomla manually.
Login into your hosting account.
Navigate to the security section of the cPanel.
Click SSL/TLS Manager.
Navigate to Private Keys (KEY) > Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys.
Once you have the private key, navigate to SSL/TLS Manager > CSR page > generate, view, or delete SSL certificate Signing request.
Keep the generated Private Key safe and use it wherever needed.
Enter the relevant data in the – Approver Email, Common Name (CN), Organization Name (O), Organizational Unit (OU), State/Province (S), Country Code (C), etc., fields.
Click Generate to create the CSR.
You will be provided with the CSR.
Copy the entire code, including —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST—– and —–END CERTIFICATE REQUEST—– tags.
Paste the code into the SSL Certificate order form.