How to Resolve the ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR?

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Fix Err HTTP2 Protocol


Your browser and site talk to each other whenever you access any site. Sometimes, while they are communicating, glitches can occur that do not allow your browser to load data properly from a particular site’s server. Your browser shows this problem to you by displaying a message i.e. ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR.

When you see this message, this means there are violations of HTTP/2 protocol (a better version of HTTP for transferring data between the server and browser) rules between your browser and website. HTTP/2 expects both ends i.e. site and browser, to properly follow all the rules for managing streams, frames, and other information.

In this article, you will learn quick and effective ways to fix this ERR_HTTPS_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Let’s get started.


There might be several reasons to see ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Some of them include network problems(slow internet), Firewall or Antivirus software interference, server miscommunications/configuration (outdated sites face compatibility issues with updated web browsers), outdated software (many of us do not regularly update our operating system or web browser), and bugs (sometimes updates have a bug in the software or browser side).

Any of the above can cause the ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Now that you know what causes this error, here are the top five ways to eliminate ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR. 


When you see the ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, try refreshing the webpage by pressing the “F5 button” on your keyboard. Most of the time, due to weak internet, all data does not load, or the site could be facing downtime. If it does not work, close all tabs and try accessing the site again.

In 90% of cases, this should solve the problem. However, if the error exists, try the following solutions one by one.

Solution 1: Update the Browser you are Using and Remove any Extensions:

Most of the time when you see the ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR is because of an old browser. This is because website regularly update their site to match the HTTP2 protocol rules but when the browser is old, it conflicts with new rules. If you are using Chrome, follow the following steps to update:

  • On the Chrome browser, go to the three dots that is located at the top right corner. Click it and select “Settings”
  • Select the About Chrome option and click on it to check for updates. If there is an update, update the browser. Retry accessing the site and see if the error is gone.

If you still see the error, disable any third-party browser extensions that you are using. Go to, “chrome://extensions/” or click the same three dots and then click on Extension-> Manage Extensions. Then turn off the toggle button as shown below to disable it temporarily and try again accessing the site. If the error is not gone, try solution 2.

Solution 2: Open Incognito Mode to Access the Site

Try opening the site in Incognito mode. Right-click on the chrome web browser and click on “New incognito window” or use the shortcut, Ctrl/Cmd + shift + N. Check if your error is gone or not. If not, clean the cache of your browser by following solution 3.

Solution 3: Clean the Cache and Browsing Data

There could be a lot of data stored in the browser’s cache that might be causing the error that you need to clean. However, you may not prefer to clean the cache as it stores a lot of information about other sites that help you load those sites faster. But if you wish to clean the cache,

  • In the Chrome, go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear browsing data and check cache and browsing data as shown below.

If you are using any other browser, delete the cache and browsing data by going into the browser’s settings and finding the clear browsing data/history. If this solves your error well done. If not, follow the solution 4.

Solution 4: Update The Operating System

If all the above fails, try updating the operating system. To update your Windows, follow the following steps.

  • Go to Start > Settings > Windows Update. If there is an update available, it will tell you to update it. Go ahead and update the windows.

For Mac OS:

  • Go to the Apple logo at the top left corner, select Settings > General > Software update.

TIP: Sometimes it’s not the software update, it is the date and time that is not synchronized which confuses the data packet’s metadata causing ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Make sure, to check your date and time in the window’s taskbar.

If it’s not correct, go to Windows Control Panel> Clock and Region > In the next window select the “Date and Time” link. Then click on the “Change date and time” button. Enter the correct date manually and click ok.

For Mac, click on the Apple icon located at the top left corner of the screen. Click System Settings > General > Date & Time to change the date. If the problem still exists follow solution 5.

Solution 5: Disable The Firewall or Antivirus Software

Many times antivirus software or firewalls interfere with your computer network settings. Sometimes, they find certain sites unsafe and therefore block them from being loaded causing the error. Try disabling this software temporarily by following the mentioned steps.

For Windows:

  • Go to the Windows start button located at the extreme left-bottom corner of your screen, and type “Windows Defender Firewall” in the search tab.
  • Click the Windows Defender Firewall as shown below. A Windows Defender Firewall window will pop up, where you can find different options.
  • Click on “Turn Windows Defender Firewall” to disable it.

For Mac:

Go to the Apple Logo present at the top left corner. Open the Network section in the system preference settings. Go to the Firewall option and disable it. It will ask for your Mac password.

Hope these solutions were helpful and you have successfully resolved the error.

Final Words

It is time-consuming and irritating to handle and solve silly errors like err_http2_protocol_error. But, if you understand the error and what causes it, it is easy to troubleshoot and get rid of them.

Thank you for reading this tutorial. If you are looking to buy SSL certificates or SSL checker tools for your site, feel free to reach us.