How to Generate CSR in Oracle Server?

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Generate CSR in Oracle Server

Importance of Creating CSR in Oracle

  • To obtain an SSL Certificate for the Oracle Database: CSRs are used as part of the process for requesting an SSL certificate from a certificate authority. The CSR contains information about the organization and domain name, and the certificate authority uses the CSR to issue the corresponding SSL certificate.
  • To Enable SSL for Oracle Connections: With an SSL certificate, Oracle can enable SSL encryption for database connections. This provides security features like data encryption, authentication, and integrity checking. Generating a CSR is the first step to obtaining an SSL certificate, which is required for enabling SSL.
  • For Compliance Purposes: Many compliance standards, like PCI DSS, require the use of SSL/TLS encryption to protect sensitive data. Generating a CSR and obtaining an SSL certificate helps Oracle comply with these standards.
  • Authenticate the Oracle Database to Clients: SSL certificates allow the Oracle database server to prove its identity to clients. The clients can verify that the certificate matches the domain name of the database, confirming that they are connecting to the correct database. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • For Increased Security: Enabling SSL encryption for Oracle connections provides security benefits like encrypting data in transit, authenticating the database server, and ensuring data integrity. Obtaining a CSR and SSL certificate gains these security features.

Here are the Steps to Generate a CSR in Oracle:

  • Log in to the Oracle server as the DBA user.
  • Run the following command to enable wallet management:

ALTER SYSTEM SET wallet_root = '<wallet_location>' SCOPE=SPFILE;
  • This will specify the location of the wallet directory.
  • Run this command to create a wallet:

EXEC DBMS_XMLSTORE.createtempxml('wallet.xml');
EXEC DBMS_XPKIPROVIDER.CREATE_WALLET(wallet_location => '<wallet_location>');
  • Run this command to initialize the wallet:

EXEC DBMS_XMLWALLET.INITXMLWALLET('wallet.xml', 'LOCATION =><wallet_location>');
  • Generate a key pair using this command:

  • Export the Public Key using this command:

  • Finally, generate the CSR using the public key and details about your organization:

EXEC DBMS_XMLKEYSTORE.GENERATESIGNREQUEST('CSF_KEY', 'req.csr', 'CN=<fully_qualified_domain_name>, OU=<organization_unit>, O=<organization_name>, C=<country>');
  • Once you get the CSR file (req.csr), submit it to Certificate Authority for signing to get an SSL certificate.
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