How to Install an SSL Certificate on Adobe Connect?

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Install SSL Certificate on Adobe Connect

Welcome to the post for installing an SSL certificate on an Adobe Connect application server of version 9 or above. Our expedition will contain the installation procedures and invaluable bonus segments, offering astute recommendations on selecting the optimal SSL certificate for your Adobe Connect setup.

For those well-versed in the preliminary steps, if you’ve already navigated the terrain of generating your CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and obtaining the authorized SSL certificate from your trusted Certificate Authority, feel free to skip the CSR generation phases.

This will enable you to directly immerse yourself in the installation facet, where we will delve into the intricate yet manageable steps to enhance your Adobe Connect server’s security infrastructure.

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Prerequisites for a Seamless Installation:

Before delving into the installation process, ensuring you have the necessary components is crucial. Your SSL certificate, a cornerstone of this security enhancement, should be formatted as a .pem file. It’s imperative to note that the SSL key and certificate must reside in separate files, adhering to industry best practices.

If the certificate you received is in a different format, a solution exists. Our comprehensive guide outlines the steps to convert it into the required PEM format, ensuring compatibility and a smooth installation journey.

Moreover, unless an alternative approach involving external devices such as load balancers is preferred for SSL termination, a pivotal requirement is the Stunnel installer. This indispensable tool is the conduit through which your SSL installation gains momentum.

Securing the latest version of the Stunnel installer is paramount to seamlessly move forward. Doing so establishes a solid foundation for the subsequent phases of the SSL installation process, setting the stage for a secure and resilient digital environment.

Before moving to the Installation steps, Follow the Steps to Generate CSR on Adobe Connect!

Step-by-Step SSL Certificate Installation for Adobe Connect:

Installing your SSL certificate onto your Adobe Connect environment is pivotal in fortifying your security infrastructure. Follow these meticulous steps to navigate the installation process seamlessly:

Install the Stunnel Installer:

Begin by executing the downloaded Stunnel installer. Run the executable file and select your Adobe Connect home directory when prompted to define the installation path. Opting for a directory like “C:\Connect\Stunnel\” streamlines your setup by consolidating components.

Organize Certificate Files:

Examine the directory structure; ascertain whether it contains a designated “certs” folder. If this folder is absent, create it now. Place your SSL certificate and accompanying key file within this newly established “certs” directory. This meticulous organization streamlines subsequent configuration.

Stunnel Configuration:

It’s now time to configure Stunnel for optimal SSL performance. This involves a sequence of steps:

  • Access the sample configuration below and copy its contents to your personal “stunnel.conf” file in the “C:\Connect\Stunnel\conf\” directory. This action effectively replaces the existing content.
  • Navigate to sections marked “application server SSL / HTTPS” within the configuration. Replace the sample IP address, “,” with your specific IP address.
  • Refine the “Cert=” and “key=” entries to reflect the paths to your public certificate and private key files, respectively.

Test Stunnel Configuration:

Confirm the integrity of your Stunnel configuration with your certificate and IP by following these steps:

  • Launch the Stunnel.exe from the “/bin/” folder. Note the appearance of a new icon in the notification area.
  • A successful configuration will yield log outputs, including a confirming line like “2020.11.25 11:40:18 LOG5[main]: Configuration successful.”
  • Exit Stunnel by right-clicking on the notification area icon and selecting the appropriate option.

Install Stunnel as a Windows Service:

Transition Stunnel into a Windows Service for sustained operation by adhering to these directives:

  • Access the “Run” box by pressing Windows+R, then type “cmd” and confirm with “OK” to open the command prompt.
  • Navigate to Stunnel’s “/bin” directory through the command line.
  • Execute the command: `stunnel.exe –install`

Access the Services console via Control Panel > Administrative Tools to ensure Stunnel is listed as an installed service, configured for automatic startup.

Embracing these meticulously outlined steps ensures the successful installation of your SSL certificate on Adobe Connect and fortifies your digital ecosystem against security vulnerabilities.

Customized Stunnel Configuration and Adobe Connect Setup:

To ensure a robust and secure SSL configuration for your Adobe Connect application server, carefully implement the following instructions:

Stunnel Configuration:

Customize your “stunnel.conf” file with the provided sample settings. This configuration optimizes SSL protocol versions and employs various options to bolster security. Note the importance of performance enhancements, minimizing delays through TCP_NODELAY settings.

Key directives should be meticulously defined, including the IP to accept connections on, the local server port, and the paths to your public certificate and private key files. Tailor your cipher suite selection to accommodate client compatibility, with the example ciphers catering to a broad range of scenarios.

Custom.ini Adjustment:

Locate the “custom.ini” file within “c:\Connect\9.x\” and apply the subsequent modifications:

  • Append “ADMIN_PROTOCOL=https://” to ensure secure administration.
  • Set “SSL_ONLY=yes” to enforce SSL exclusivity for improved security.

Server.xml Tweaks:

Open “C:\Connect\9.x\appserv\conf\server.xml” and implement the following changes:

  • Uncomment the specified sections to enable the HTTPS executor and optimize connection handling.
  • Configure executor settings like thread counts and connection timeouts for efficient resource utilization.
  • Enable SSL support by setting “SSLEnabled” to “true,” defining the HTTPS scheme, and specifying the proxy port as “443.”
  • Ensure proper URI encoding for seamless communication.

Service Restart:

To finalize the configuration, restart all associated services: Adobe Connect, Adobe Media Server, and Stunnel. This step ensures that the changes take effect across the ecosystem.

By meticulously following these directives, you achieve heightened security for your Adobe Connect application server. Your SSL setup, bolstered by optimized Stunnel configuration, customized Adobe Connect settings, and meticulous service restarts, establishes a fortified foundation for your digital operations.